I am currently taking part in the #100daysofgamedev discord challenge started by indie developer Julia (@Juul1a), and today it officially kicks off!
The core idea is that we should all strive to complete at least a little bit of game development every single day to keep up with our projects and maintain motivation. Already a community of several hundred developers has joined together to support each other and provide updates on what they are up to, including myself!
And this is my first day update.
Day 1
- Tweaked blog settings to get things looking nicer and to be a little better organized, still definitely can be improved but at least it is a decent base. I also linked to the Trello and Github.
- Started filling out more details on my Trello Boards of what I will want in my game, engine, and blog. Also made them publicly visible in case anyone wants to see what I'm planning (at least, once I know what I'm planning...).
- Setup the basic form of my Gouda engine repository. To set a little bit of context, I have already been working on a basic engine for a while and have it in a private repo, but I want to take this opportunity to take what I have learned, do a bit of a rewrite, and port that into a public repository to help others, get feedback, and also use as a learning resource. I'm realizing there is no good reason to keep it private, so might as well start fresh with something open :)
- Made a logo! I'm not sure if this is exactly what I will keep, but I'm pretty happy with it. Maybe obvious but it isn't actually vectors, just smooth-curves in the Procreate app (such an amazing app btw, will definitely have other updates that include art from that, I feel like my art skills have grown leaps and bounds already just using it for a few weeks). I feel it is at least somewhat reminiscent of a block of cheese, so I'm happy.
- So not much actual development, I did a bunch of coding yesterday to get a Discord bot working, so today I was happy to do some of the logistics and creative things to get a firm base ready.
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